Toggle menu

Command iCM4j 11.2.1


  • TCOMMAND-76 - Update the site alert to use the framework asset
  • TCOMMAND-163 - Update PoweredBy link to use the framework asset
  • TCOMMAND-176 - Update the regions 'mobilebutton' and 'mobilemenu' to use the framework component
  • TCOMMAND-178 - Switch markup order for 'mobilemenu' and 'sitealert' so the search always appears above the site alert
  • TCOMMAND-184 - Remove body tag class overrides as these are now handled by the framework


  • TCOMMAND-157 - Stop the site logo moving slightly on hover
  • TCOMMAND-160 - Breadcrumb appears in the wrong position. Update to use the framework component
  • TCOMMAND-168 - The option to build the Browse template using related articles doesn't work
  • TCOMMAND-169 - Set template.list.grid.minColWidth to 180 so the List can be displayed in four columns and add the appropriate no-JS fallback
  • TCOMMAND-171 - Change footer_utilities from <div> to <nav> so we can use the aria-label attribute
  • TCOMMAND-173 - Use the grid component to layout the footer as leaving the "Footer Assets - Middle" header and footer empty causes overlaps
Last modified on October 14, 2021

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