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Report It 3.0.68

Released 13/12/2021


  • RI-264 - Existing reports now use a new history digest to improve performance
  • RI-289 - Allow custom fields to be shown on existing report map pins. See Advanced Use - Customising the Report Form for full details


  • RI-304 - The location shown on the "Check your Answer" uses the location picked on the first page of the form rather than the more accurate location from the "Confirm" page
  • RI-306 - Subscribe button not appearing on existing report pins

Version 3 Post Upgrade Steps

If you are using the standard blueprint form for all of your reports there is nothing for you to do - the upgrade will import a new version of the form.

If you have taken your own copies of the standard blueprint form you will need to update each of those copies to make use of the new features.

Check Your Answers Map Accuracy - RI-304

  1. On the CONFIRMLOCATION page, add a new hidden input field called CONFIRMEDLOCATIONAPPROXTEXT beneath the CONFIRMEDLOCATION hidden field:


  1. On the CONFIRMLOCATION page, rename the Script Action field from FIELD50 to UPDATEBASEVALUES:


  1. Using the Blockly editor, update the script of the UPDATEBASEVALUES field to match:


Fixing the Subscribe Button - RI-306

  1. On the LOCATION page, edit the config variable field:

Config Variable

  1. Update the requiredBrowserKeys array to include "subscribe", "updateExisting" The full array is:

let requiredBrowserKeys = ["heading", "subject", "mapInstructions", "googleMapsApiKey", "reportItURL", "reportItCSSURL", "locale", "mapProvider", "maxUploads", "requireLocationConfirmation", "maxExistingUploads", "subtypeMap", "subTypes", "showImagery", "useMapBoundary", "mapBoundaryURL", "mapBoundary", "mapCentre", "mapZoom", "mapBoundaryLineColour", "baseMap", "dashboard", "unknownMarkerFillColour", "newMarkerFillColour", "existingMarkerFillColour", "allowWitness", "collectDetails", "googleMapType", "subscribe", "updateExisting"];

Additional Map Pin Data - RI-289

  1. Find the standard REPORTITCITIZENBLUEPRINT form
  2. On the CHECK page, copy the vertical layout containing the new additionalDisplayData variable field from the blueprint and add the complete layout to the same page on your form:

The additionalDisplayData variable field

  1. On the CHECK page find the CMWRITEHISTORY history event action field:


  1. Open the "Event Additional Properties" code editor and replace the full script with the script found on the standard REPORTITCITIZENBLUEPRINT form. Specifically, you should see reference to additionalDisplayData being retrieved and encoded before being set in the result object against the riAdditionalDisplayData property

Internationalisation Support for RI-289

To support i18n tokens you need to perform the following two steps:

  1. Replace the EXISTING page's Client Init Handler with the script found on the standard REPORTITCITIZENBLUEPRINT form. This is to specifically add the following tokens to the existingReportsTags:

openTitle: "gi.reportit.citizen.reported",
closedTitle: "gi.reportit.citizen.closed",

  1. Replace the EXISTING page's EXISTINGARR hidden field with the EXISTINGARR field found on the standard REPORTITCITIZENBLUEPRINT form. This adds a stringified version of the response data to the form which is then captured by the i18n translation tools which will translate any existing tokens
Last modified on December 17, 2021

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