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The iCM API Worker provides access to iCM's Java and ColdFusion APIs from any platform capable of making JSON requests to the API Server.

This section of the documentation is still under development. The articles below will be added to over time to include a wider selection of the more than 120 classes available.

For ease of documentation, and to match expected usage, the examples given call the iCM API Worker from internal server-side End Points. For more information about calling workers with an internal key, see the final section of URLs, Keys and Authentication.

There are two classes of API provided by the iCM API Worker. The Java API (CSObjects) is the main library you should be using. The legacy ColdFusion API is only needed when making updates to iCM content that require an iCM user. Further working examples can also be found in the API Knowledge Base.

Worker Configuration

All properties are optional.

datasourceStringA datasource. Uses the iCM database if not supplied

Example Configuration

    "name": "icmapi",
    "instances": 1,
    "threadsPerInstance": 10


Java API (CSObjects)

The CSObjects library includes all of the functionality available in the currently published Java API.

ColdFusion API (Direct iCM Requests)

To create content in iCM you need to use the Cold Fusion API and provide a relevant iCM user via an API key.

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