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Case Management

Case Management delivers case handling and CRM capabilities via your website. It integrates with other elements of the platform, allowing your users to track their cases via My Account and User Requests, and your staff to work on cases using the Self Service template.

Cases are active workflow processes. When a user raises a case they are able to track its progress, respond to questions from the case manager, be notified of appointments, and add notes that will be logged in the case history.

Case managers can review all of the details submitted by the user, see and manage SLAs, assign tasks to other teams, log appointments, review and add notes to the case history (which can be flagged as public or private), manage files attached to the case, contact the user, and assign the case to another staff member or team.

The Case Management framework has been designed to support a range of plugins, which allow the forms used during a case to be tailored for specific purposes. You can write your own forms to raise cases, expand the Case Management interface with custom "additional details" sections, and write custom forms and workflows for case tasks.

Case Management - Getting Started

What is a case? Who are your users? How are cases raised and assigned? These articles provide an overview of Case Management and link to more detailed documentation.

The Case Manager Interface and Actions

All of the things a user can see and do when working on a case.

Case Properties

A more detailed look at case types, status, stages and SLAs.

Case Search

You can search for cases using a range of filters and keywords. The results are displayed in a list or map, and provide links to view the full case details.

Case Routines

Routines are sequences of automated actions performed when a case reaches a trigger point.

Case Management Dashboards

Case Management includes the following dashboards which allow you to report on active and closed cases, compare time periods, and get an overview of current workload.

Creating New Case Types

You can link any of your forms to case management by adding a pre-built form snippet and updating the Case Management configuration.

Plugins - Standard Case Types and Tasks

We've created a range of plugins. These include specific case types, like complaints, and specialised tasks that can be created while a case is being worked on.

Case Configuration Overview

A description of all of the case configuration settings.


Technical documentation for advanced settings and customisation.

Case Management API

The Case Management API is provided by a set of standard End Points you can call from forms or other End Points.

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