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The Classified template displays a gallery of images, information about the item being sold, and contact information for the seller.


Page Title and Body Content

An article using the Classified template displays its title and introductory text at the top of the page. Page body content, including inline elements, appear beneath the image gallery, as described for the Default template.

The "date listed" is displayed beneath the body content. It is the date that the article was created.

Back to Search Results

If a user navigates to a classified article from a search, a link back to the search results appears beneath the title. If a user arrived at the classified by some other means that excludes the relevant URL parameters, the link won't appear.

Image Gallery

Any number of images can be related to the classified article. They form an image gallery between the introductory and body text.

Arrows to the left and right of the current image navigate through the gallery. Selecting an image displays it in a modal window, with navigation arrows placed either side of the view. This view can be closed by pressing the "X" above the image or anywhere else on the page.

Beneath the main image view is a thumbnail view of all of the related images.

Price and Seller's Details

The Classified template displays the price of the item, as entered in the article extras. If an item is free, the "Free item" checkbox in the article extras will override the price and display the word "Free" on the classified instead.

The seller's name, telephone number and email address are also set in the article extras. All of these elements are optional and will be hidden if left blank.

The article extras let you pick a form that can be used to contact the seller. If a form isn't picked, the "Email Seller" button acts as a mailto link, opening the user's default email provider. If a form is picked, the "Email Seller" button will display the form. You can use any form you like. The email address entered in the article extras is available to the form in the USER.CONTACTEMAIL context variable.


Metadata values related to the classified article appear as links a user can "Search by". These links take the user to an article using the Search template. This performs a search with the selected category as a search facet. That means the search will display all of the classifieds that also have the selected value.

Only metadata values that are set up as facets in the classified search are output. See below for information about building the article structure and setting up the search.

Article Structure

Classifieds are designed to be grouped together beneath a search article. You don't have to do this, but this is the only way to enable the "Search By" categories.


The classified search article uses the Search template. In its article extras the root article is set as itself (ie it will only search for its own child articles). A search facet should be created to filter results using a suitable "classified category" metadata property.

Classified Search Facet

As described in the "Categories" section above, only metadata values that are also search facets will be output as links on classified articles.

For search results to appear using the custom view described below, the search article extras need to be set to display the custom "Article view".

Custom View

The Classified template implements a custom view when it appears in Lists and Search results.

Classified Custom View

This view includes the price, classified title, optional image, introductory text, date listed and the person who listed it.

Article Extras

Field NameTypeDescription
FREECheckboxCheck this box to display the text "Free" instead of a price
PRICENumber inputThe price, in pounds and pence
TITLEText inputThe title of the seller
FIRSTNAMEText inputThe seller's first name
LASTNAMEText inputThe seller's last name
NUMBERText inputThe seller's phone number
EMAILText inputThe seller's email address
EMAILFORMDrop-downA list of all of the forms in iCM. Pick the form you'd like the "Contact Seller" link to link to. If you don't pick a form, the link acts as a mailto link

Related Content

Any number of metadata values can be related to the classified article. If the metadata values are from a property that is configured as a facet in an ancestor search article, they will be output as links.

Last modified on 20 January 2022

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