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Contact Directory

The Contact Directory displays information about the people and departments in your organisation. Content can be created manually or imported from other systems.

Articles using the Contact template display information like the contact's name, address, email address and telephone number in predefined fields.

The Team template displays a list of the contacts in the department, and a list of other templates located directly beneath the current article - this can be used to create a team hierarchy.

Contact and Team articles can be created and hidden automatically using a set of importer End Points. The importer requires an End Point to be written that will retrieve contact information from a data source and transform it into a structure the importer will understand.


The Contact template displays information about a person and includes a link to a contact form.


The Team template displays a list of contacts. It also includes a separate list of other child articles.


The importer uses a set of End Points to create contact and team articles. It will also hide any out of date contacts.

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