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iCM Groups and Users

iCM Groups

GOSS iCM delivers a granular user management system which can be used to create any number of different user access levels and roles.

User privileges exist for every area of iCM, allowing you to create users who have full access to everything, can only edit existing articles, could create media items but not relate them to articles, perhaps have read-only access to forms but create and deploy workflow process models, have full edit privileges but not be allowed to delete any content, or any imaginable combination you can think of.

Once you have decided upon their privileges, users are then assigned content roots for the areas of iCM they can work in. This means you could create users who can view all articles, but only edit or create those in the "latest news" section, or give a user full article editing privileges, but prevent them from adding script inlines or using the forms template. The media library can be similarly restricted, so users could only be allowed to create PDFs, or create any media type, but only in a certain media group.

Users can also be organised into groups, but don't have to be. iCM groups have all of the same privilege and content root options as users, and every user who is a member of a group will inherit its settings. This means that users can be created very quickly, and added to groups, without the need to assign privileges directly to each of them.

Single Sign-On

Single sign-on allows iCM to authenticate users against an external source like Active Directory. This is most commonly used so that users can log into iCM using their domain username and password. See iCM Single Sign-On for more information.

iCM Groups

Groups are a convenient way to organise iCM users. iCM privileges and content roots can be assigned to a group and will be inherited by all of its members.

iCM Users

Create and edit iCM users. Manage the groups a user is in, assign content and privileges directly to them, and update their preferences, shortcuts and aliases.

iCM Privileges

Privileges control exactly what an iCM user is able to do. They exist for almost all items in iCM and can be assigned directly to a user or passed to users via their group membership.

iCM Content Roots

Content roots control which areas of iCM a user is able to access to carry out the tasks that match the privileges they have.

iCM Shortcuts

iCM shortcuts come in two varieties - user and group. The types of shortcut that can be created for each is different.

iCM User Search

You can search for iCM groups and users.

Active iCM Users

See your current active iCM users, when they logged in, and which server they are connected to.

Emailing iCM Users

How to email your iCM users.

Privilege and Content Audits

Download a reports that summarise which iCM users have access to what content.

Using External Authentication with iCM

iCM can be configured to allow users to log in using third party logins rather than a username and password set in iCM. This allows you to connect iCM logins to a range of technologies including ADFS, OpenID Connect and SAML2.

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