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System Configuration

System Configuration

This section of iCM lets you manage system-wide configuration, background tasks and the more technical elements of your iCM installation.

Some of these settings are replicated in Autoconfig - any changes made here will be written to the application.cfm file.

In this Section

iCM/API Servers

The iCM/API Servers section of iCM's System Configuration is where you can manage your iCM and API Servers.

API Server Security

API Server workers are assigned to keys. Keys define access to a worker, and allow IP restrictions and other security settings to be set up.

Scheduled Tasks

iCM scheduled tasks carry out background and housekeeping jobs in iCM. They can also be run on demand and be used to schedule the executions of End Points.

Search Collections

The search collections section lets you extend the search to include custom (user-defined) items. These collections are in addition to the basic collections (article, media, etc) provided by iCM.

File Manager

iCM's File Manager lets you edit files in the site's file system from within iCM. It's used to give you access to the iCM custom folder.


Set the timeouts for the inactive user logout task.

External Link Testing

These settings determine how many failed responses to the external link checking task are allowed before an external link is marked as dead.

System Online/Offline

System Online/Offline can disable various parts of the digital platform, preventing iCM and site logins, suspending workflow process instances and switching off iCM forms.

iCM Settings

The iCM Settings section allows various defaults and global system settings to be configured by an iCM user with sufficient security privileges.

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