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The logs available in iCM cover four main areas.

The Approvals log consolidates all of the article approval information generated during your approval processes.

The Security log is a record of every action committed to the iCM database.

The Task log records the activities of scheduled tasks set up in iCM.

The Access Errors log lists failed attempts to log into iCM with the reason they failed.

Access to these logs can be granted to an iCM user via their Management Privileges.

Approvals Log

The approvals log lets you search for and download information recorded about articles as they went through the approval process. There are six filters you can apply to the search. Once you have set up your filters, click "Search for entries" in the actions panel.

The search results form the log can be downloaded as a csv file using the "Download listed entries" option in the action panel. If you have carried out a search for "purgeable" items, a "Purge listed entries"option will also appear.

TitleOnly display log entries for approvals whose title contains this text
AuthorOnly display log entries for approvals submitted by this iCM user. The drop-down list contains all of your iCM users, select the one you would like to restrict your search to
StatusOnly display entries for approvals that are at a particular point in the approval process. If you search for items that include "purgeable" in their description, a new action will appear in the actions panel, allowing you to delete the listed entries
FromOnly display log entries timestamped on or after this date
ToOnly display log entries timestamped on or before this date
Order byOrder the log entries by priority, author, status, submit date, title or parent title

Task Logs

Tasks logs are written automatically as iCM scheduled tasks run.

The tasks logs home page displays a list of every log type. This list includes the name of the task that created the log, a description, and a summary of the number of entries in the "Status" column.

To view more details about a task log, right-click on it and select "View log entries". The right-click context menu also allows you to delete the logs.

The tasks included are:

  • Article archive
  • Basket check
  • Cleanup cluster files
  • Cleanup directories
  • External link check
  • File manager actions
  • Inactive user logout
  • Product archive
  • Search index
  • Search refreshes (complete and by type)
  • Scheduled end points
  • Stale article check
  • Suggester train
  • You may like refresh

Task Log Details

The task log details page displays a list of log entries for that task. This includes the date and time the task completed and a summary of the event. These summaries will vary depending upon the type of log. For example, the external link task log records the number of links tested and how many were dead/broken.

Security Log

The security log is a record of every action committed to the iCM database. Each log entry records the name of the iCM user who performed the activity, their IP address, its timestamp and a summary of the action. Note that the ID column displays the ID of the entries in the log, not the ID of the item the action was performed on. That ID should be available in the action column.

The search results can be filtered in a similar way to the approval log described above. Once you have set up your filters, click "Search for entries" in the actions panel.

Listed results (after a search has been performed) can be purged or downloaded as a csv using the options in the actions panel.

Item IDIf you know the ID of a content item (article, form, End Point etc) enter it here
Item TypeOnly display log entries for the item type selected here. As well as the content types in iCM, this list includes iCM log in/out, backups, clearing the cache, housekeeping tasks etc
FromOnly display log entries timestamped on or after this date
ToOnly display log entries timestamped on or before this date
UserOnly display log entries generated by this user

If you purge the security log, the first entry in the new log is a record that the old log has been purged, including when and by whom.

Access Errors

This log lists failed iCM login attempts. You can filter by date or a named user.

The log includes:

  • The username entered on the login screen
  • The user's IP address
  • The date
  • The subsite they attempted to log into
  • The reason for the failure
  • Whether they were using network authentication
Last modified on 9 January 2025

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