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Editing a Model

Edit Model Buttons
To open the editor, either double click on the name of a model, or select a model and click the "Edit model" button in the toolbar. You can also open a model in a new window, allowing you to work on more than one at a time.

The editor includes a toolbar at the top that provides various controls, like copy/paste and undo/redo, and a left hand "palette" of the available BPMN elements and extensions.

New elements should be drag-dropped from this left-hand palette onto the canvas, the main work area, to construct the model.

Model Properties

When no workflow elements are selected, the properties section beneath the work area displays the properties of the model itself.

Model Properties

Process IdentifierThe unique identifier of the process definition
NameThe name of the process definition, displayed within the modeller and on templates like User Requests and Self Service
Target NamespaceThe namespace of the process definition determines it's position/grouping in the modeller navigation
DescriptionThe description of the process definition, displayed in products like the Self Service template. This value can include workflow variables
CandidatesThe users who are eligible to start instances of this process. This could be the public/anonymous user. This lists excludes any users that have random GUID-type usernames generated by the site authentication service when users log into your site using an external provider - as there's no way of knowing who these users are from this menu there is little point in showing them. In general candidates should be assigned by group

Process Definition Names, Keys and IDs

When you create a model you give it a name. This user-friendly name is displayed in the modeller and saved as the processDefinitionName.

"processDefinitionName": "Our First Process"

The name, with spaces removed, becomes the processDefinitionKey.

"_processDefinitionKey": "ourfirstprocess"

When you deploy your model, or redeploy your model so you get a new version, the key is combined with the version number and a unique ID, giving you the processDefinitionId.

"processDefinitionId": "ourfirstprocess:2:27618"

Selecting and Deselecting Elements

You can select elements one at a time, drag a box over them to capture them, or select all using keyboard shortcuts.

Cutting, Copying, Pasting

You can cut, copy and paste elements of your model to any other model you have open in your browser.

Adding or Removing Bend Points

Bend points are added to sequence flows to keep your model tidy and easier to understand.

Aligning Elements

The editor provides various options for aligning elements in a model. This has no impact on the functionality of the model and is purely visual.

Zooming Elements

When working on large business process models you can zoom in and out so they fit the work area.

Undoing and Redoing Changes

The modeller has standard undo and redo controls in case you make a mistake.

Saving, Closing and Error Checking

Before you save your model you can run an error checker that will highlight any mistakes there may be.

Generating Documentation

You can download documentation for you model as a PDF which includes an overview of the design and the details of every element

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