When working on large business process models you can zoom in and out so they fit the work area.
Zooming In and Out
The size of elements can be increased and decreased by zooming in and out.
Clicking on the "Zoom in" button on the toolbar will increase the size of the model elements. After zooming in, if there is a particular area of the model that you wish to work on, use the vertical and/or horizontal scroll bar to bring it into view.
The "Zoom out" toolbar button can be used to decrease the size of the model elements. This enables more of the model to be visible in the work area.
Zooming to Fit
As well as the ability to increase and decrease the size of the elements in the work area, it is possible to size them so they can all be seen, without the need for scrolling. Click the "Zoom to fit" toolbar button if you wish to view the entire model diagram in this way.
Zooming to Actual Size
After using the other zoom options you will probably want to return the elements to their original size - not zoomed in, out, or to fit. To achieve this, click the "Zoom to actual size" button on the toolbar.