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Case Handling

Details, Status, Summary and Target SLAs

This tab holds details about the case and lets the case manager set the status and targets.

Case Tasks

Tasks are separate jobs created by a case manager and assigned to another team or user.


The appointments section is used to record any appointments the user who raised the case may need to attend. New appointments, and updates to them, notify the relevant user by email.

Case History Notes

The case history section displays all public and private notes added to the case. Public notes are visible to the user who raised the case.


The attachments table brings together all of the files uploaded to the case, whether from the user, manager or task users.


The email log holds a record of all of the emails sent to and from the case. Each email can be viewed and attachments downloaded.

Additional Details

The additional details tab lets you add your own form to a case. It can be used to store and display additional information and has access to all of the data that accompanies the case.

Linked Cases

Cases can be linked to each other.


Case managers can contact the user who raised the case, notifying them be email that an update has been made.

Reassigning a Case

Case managers can assign a case they are working on to another team, or directly to another case manager.

Escalating a Case

A case manager can manually escalate a case at any time.

Converting a Case

Cases can be converted from one type to another, with options to map data and reset SLAs.

Closing a Case

The "Close case" button lets a case manager pick a reason for closing a case, add some final notes, then end the process.

Export Case

Users with the correct security access can download a full export of the case.

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