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Managing Forms

Copy, Create, Edit, Delete and Export Forms

This article describes the basic actions you can take when creating a form, and includes information about a form's properties.

Form Blueprints, Snippets and Smart Snippets

Blueprints and snippets let you save forms, or groups of fields, and use them when creating new forms.

Form Groups

Create, edit and delete form groups. How to export a group of forms and import them into another iCM.

Forms Search

There are two types of form search. You can search for a form in the library and you can search for a particular field, text or piece of code within a form when editing using the designer.

Form Version History

Version history can be used to view recent changes and to restore previous or deleted versions of a form.

Importing Forms

You can import forms exported from another iCM. The forms designer also lets you import the HTML source of a non-iCM form.

Publishing Forms

Published forms are ready to be used on your site. You can also save forms as work in progress and unpublish forms that have already been published.

Securing a Form's Data

Forms are able to store their submissions in the iCM database. This article describes how that data can be secured.

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