The script editors in the form designer have a "visual" mode, based on Google's Blockly library. There are over one hundred different blocks representing most of the standard JavaScript syntax. You can read more about Blocky and the basic blocks on the Blockly Website (opens new window).
These articles describe the custom blocks we've created to work with iCM's form helper library. Given the number of them, only the more complex ones are documented.
Some functions of the form helper library are only available when working server-side, others only browser-side. The blocks available to you are automatically filtered based upon where you are working. You can see where your script will be executed from the icons at the top of the editor.
- The script will only be executed server-side (as the form or page loads, and on submit) - The script will only be executed on the user's browser (handler functions for example) - The script will be executed both server-side and on the user's browser (most commonly found with validation functions)