The form button blocks are only available browser-side. Manipulating them server-side doesn't make sense, because unless they are being displayed in someone's browser, they can't be clicked on!
Triggering Buttons
When something happens to a field on your form you can use its event handler to automatically trigger a button click. The standard version of this block will trigger the first button on the page that has the specified action. The second version lets you target a button with a specific label. The third version lets you pick a button (which ultimately identifies it by its ID).
If you have generated navigation buttons using the Navigation Buttons Handlebars helper, you can target a single button within the template using the identifier-index combination.
The button you want to trigger can be hidden. You could, for example, hide a button and trigger it when someone picks an option in a radio button.
Further Examples
The The Form Helper Library article in the knowledge base has example forms that show all of the other button blocks being used.
Setting the Next Page
When you press a wizard or navigation button the back, next or navigation function determines which page is displayed next. By default, the page ordering follows the pages in the order they are in the forms designer.
You can change which page appears next by setting the page variable to the name of a page.