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This module can create and extract zip files, both in memory and on disk.

This library is distributed under the MIT license, its source is For full documentation see




var admzip = require('adm-zip');

The class constructor can have one or no arguments specified. If a argument of type String is provided, the class will try to read the file at 'filePath' and parse it as a zip. If no argument is specified, then a new in memory zip will be created

// loads and parses existing zip file
var zip = new admzip("");
// creates new in memory zip
var zip = new admzip();

See for details of the methods that can be used.


In this example a new zip is created in memory, a local folder added to it, the zip is written to disk, and an array of zip entry objects is returned.

function( params, credentials ) {
    var AdmZip = require("adm-zip");
    var zip = new AdmZip();
    var zipEntries = zip.getEntries();
    return zipEntries;

Last modified on 10 March 2020

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