This module lets you connect to web services using SOAP.
This library is distributed under the MIT license, its source and full documentation can be found at (opens new window).
var soap = require('strong-soap').soap;
This module behaves asynchronously. When used in an End Point you will need to use the synchronise module so that it behaves in a synchronous manner.
The first step in using the module is to create a client, providing a URL or filepath to a WSDL that describes the SOAP endpoint as the first argument to
For example, if the WSDL defines a method called
This example calls the US National Weather Service and returns the forecast for Beverly Hills. Note how a timeout is passed in with the request. Any of the options present in the request module can be added in the same way.
function(params, credentials) {
var soap = require('strong-soap').soap,
sync = require('synchronize'),
result = null,
soapEndpointURL = "",
// Parse the WDSL and create the soap client
client = sync.await(soap.createClient(soapEndpointURL, {}, sync.defer()));
try {
// Synchronously execute request
result = sync.await(client.NDFDgen({
"latitude": "34.0995",
"longitude": "-118.414",
"product": "glance",
"startTime": "2019-08-13T00:00:00",
"endTime": "2019-08-13T23:00:00",
"Unit": "m"
}, {
"timeout": 5000
}, sync.defer()));
} catch (e) {
result = e.message;
return result;