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iCM Groups

To create or edit an iCM user group select "iCM Groups/Users" from the Management section of iCM.

To create a new group, right-click the GROUPS folder and click "Create a group" from the context menu. To edit and existing group, double-click on it.


The first tab of the iCM group editor lets you enter a name and description for your group. If you are creating a new group, the "Base settings on" drop-down will copy the membership, privileges, content and shortcut options of an existing group (you'll still need to enter a new name and description).

iCM Administrators Checkbox

There must always be at least one user, or user group with a member in it, assigned as an iCM administrator. iCM administrators will always have the full range of privileges that control the creation and editing of iCM users (including their own users). iCM administrators are also able to log into iCM when it is put into maintenance mode and taken offline.

This is to make sure that you can never be locked-out of your iCM installation, or left in the situation where no one is able to edit iCM users.

Allow Network Synchronisation Checkbox

If your iCM has been configured to synchronise its users with another source, such as Active Directory, you will see this additional checkbox in the group properties. Checking this box will take users who are members of a group in the external source directory, create them as iCM users and add them to this group. As users are added or removed in the source directory, they will be added or removed from this group (by a scheduled task). For synchronisation to work, the iCM group name must exactly match the name of a group in the source directory.

For more information about synchronising groups and users, see iCM Single Sign-On.


This tab lists the members of the group. Use the "Select" button to add users. Highlight a user and click "Remove" to remove them.

If you press the select button you'll see a list of all of the users in iCM. Current members are highlighted. Double-clicking on users in this list is a quick way to add or remove them from the group. There's also a search control.


The iCM privileges you select here will be granted to every user who is a member of this group.

For more information about iCM privileges, and what happens if a user is a member of multiple groups, see iCM Privileges.


The content roots you select in this tab will be granted to every user who is a member of this group.

For more information about iCM content roots, see iCM Content Roots.



This feature is still in beta.

Group Alias

This tab is only relevant if you have enabled external/third party logins for iCM.

An iCM group can be aliased to a website user group. If you log into iCM using a website user login, and that site user is a member of site user groups that are aliased to iCM user groups, the iCM user that you end up logged in as will have its iCM group membership updated to match those aliased groups.

A website user must be a member of at least one aliased group to be able to log into iCM.

Aliased groups are synchronised each time the site user login is used as a login. That means if you add or remove a website user from aliased groups, the corresponding iCM user's groups will also be updated the next time they log in. If the iCM user is also a member of non-aliased groups, these are unaffected.

Removing a group alias won't remove any iCM users that are already members of the group.

See Using External Authentication with iCM for a full description.


Group shortcuts will appear on the iCM homepage of every member of this group. Unlike user shortcuts which only link to iCM content items and have specific actions (such as edit or create), group shortcuts can be used to create links to external sites, open "iCM Apps" or display iCM forms for the user to complete.

For more information about shortcuts, see iCM Shortcuts.

Last modified on 1 August 2024

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