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Bookings training is delivered as a pair of courses. The first introduces the product and how it works, the second is tailored to your own implementation.

Case Management - Creating and Managing Cases

This course covers the fundamentals of Case Management, from designing forms to raise cases, basic case configuration, and how users interact and handle cases.

System Administration - Users and Audits

This course provides delegates with knowledge of managing iCM Users and Groups, and covers security, reports and approvals.

System Administration - Configuration and Troubleshooting

This course covers subsite and iCM management and configuration, plus looks at logging and scheduled tasks.

Workflow - Introduction

Learn how to use the workflow modeller, create a workflow process, and integrate with the Self Service website template.

Website Themes and Styling

Customise the look and feel of your website using custom site skins and JavaScript.

Forms - Finessing and Improving

This course carries on from Forms - Navigation and Branching. It focuses on improving the user journey, further utilising form variables and using the User Profile Load field.

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