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The Contact template is designed to display information about a person on your website.

As well as the standard text areas used by the Default template, articles using the Contact template display additional information, like the contact's name, address and telephone number in predefined fields. This additional information is also displayed when a contact article is related to another article, or appears in search results or list of articles.


Page Title and Body Content

An article using the Contact template displays its title and introductory text at the top of the page. Page body content, including inline elements, appear beneath the contact block.

Related Content

The first image related to the article appears next to the contact block. Other related content appears in the same way as the Default template. Note that only a single related image will ever be displayed.

Contact Information

The information in the contact block is taken from the "Extra" tab of the contact article.

A contact's name is made up as follows:

  1. If there is a full name display that, otherwise
  2. If there's a title, insert the title
  3. If there's a preferred name insert that, otherwise insert the first name
  4. If there's a last name, insert the last name

The contact details, address and social media fields are output in the contact block if present. Social media addresses act as links and will open in a new browser tab. Telephone and mobile numbers are output using the tel: scheme to enable "click to call".

Email Address

If you don't select a form in the article extras the email address acts as a mailto: link, which will open your default email application.

If you do select a form, the link will reload the page, displaying the form in place of the contact's information (ie the article heading will still be visible, but all other content is replaced by the form). The email address set in the article extras is used as the "To" address when the form is submitted.

Custom View

The Contact template implements a custom view when it appears in Lists, the Team template and in Search results.

Contact Custom View

This view includes the contact's name, job title, image, address, and telephone, mobile and fax numbers.

In the article extras you can choose to display the article summary instead of the contact information, or both.

As a Related Article

When related to another article the Contact template can display the contact's name, job title, email and phone number, with each contact appearing in a separate block.

Related Contact

To enable this related contact behaviour, select the Contact template in your subsite settings as a "render related" template. If it's not selected, contact articles will be output as standard related articles.

Article Extras

All fields are optional apart from EMAIL.

Field NameTypeDescription
TITLETextThe contact's title
FORENAMETextThe contact's first name
SURNAMETextThe contact's last name
PREFNAMETextOverrides the contact's first name
FULLNAMETextOverrides all of the names entered above
JOBTITLETextThe contact's job title
EMAILTextThe contact's email
TELEPHONETextThe contact's land line
FAXTextThe contact's fax
MOBILETextThe contact's mobile
TWITTERTextLink to contact's Twitter page
FACEBOOKTextLink to contact's Facebook page
WEBTextLink to contact's website
ADDRESS1/2/3TextAddress lines 1, 2 and 3
CITYTextTown or city
COUNTRYDrop-downCountry selection
EMAILFORMDrop-downSelect a form to use to email this contact. If left blank the contact's email will act as a mailto link
SUMMARYMODEDrop-downChoose how the article appears when it is part of a List or Search result
IMPORTIDText (read only)An ID inserted during the import process
IMPORTDATEText (read only)The date this contact was imported
IMPORTSOURCEText (read only)The source of the import
Last modified on 25 November 2022

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