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Email Template and Task Title Tokens

The emails sent out during a case are set up in your case configuration, see Emails and Notifications. The emails themselves are generated from templates which include tokens so they can be customised.

Tokens starting form_ are present at various stages as workflow process variables. Those starting email_ include values set in the case management email subprocess. Both are used in the same way.

Case Tokens

Case Type

These tokens hold information about the case type and are set in the case starting form. They are not necessarily populated.

form_CASEMANAGER Optional override to dynamically set the case manager user group, eg "CM-FEEDBACK-MANAGER-HOUSING"
form_CASESUBTYPE Optional additional text for case sub type, eg "Housing""
form_CASESTAGESystem code for the starting case stage, eg 'stage1', normally not present
form_CASETYPE System code for case type, eg "complaint"
form_LANGUAGE Two letter language code used for form and display selection, eg "EN"
form_SERVICEREQUESTTEXT The static card title in User Requests, eg "Complaint" and the dynamic service request visible in Self-Service.
form_VERSION System code for form and end point versioning, eg "v1"

User Details

These tokens hold the names and contact details of the person who filled out the starting form and may be used in the Case Details staff form.

form_ADDRESSTEXT Postal address as entered on initial form, eg "1 Road, Town. AB1 2CD"
form_EMAILADDRESS Email as entered on initial form, eg ""
form_NAME Applicant's name as entered on initial form, eg "Mr Smith"
form_ONBEHALFOFEMAILADDRESS Applicant's email when initial form completed by someone else
form_ONBEHALFOFEMAILPHONENUMBER Applicant's phone number when initial form completed by someone else
form_ONBEHALFOFNAME Applicant's name when initial form completed by someone else
form_PHONENUMBER Phone number as entered on initial form, eg "0123 456789"

In Progress Cases

These tokens hold information about a specific case instance.

form_APPDATESTR The appointment date as a string, eg "16/04/2019 12:54"
form_APPDEPTNAME The department name for appointments, eg "Waste Services"
form_ASSIGNNOTESThe notes added when the case was reassigned
form_ASSIGNREASONThe reason for case reassignment
form_BUSINESSKEY Business key for the case, eg "1234-5678-9012-3456"
form_CASECLOSENOTESNotes added when the case was closed
form_CASECLOSEREASONThe reason for the case closure
form_CASEREMINDERDATE The current reminder date, ISO format, eg "2019-04-16T12:54:00.702Z"
form_CASEREMINDERSTR The current reminder date as a string, eg "16/04/2019 12:54"
form_CASESUBTITLE Subtitle displayed in User Requests underneath the main description
form_CASETARGETDATE The current target date, ISO format, eg "2019-04-16T12:54:00.702Z"
form_CASETARGETSTR The current target date as a string, eg "16/04/2019 12:54"
form_CASETYPENAMEDisplay name for the case type
form_CASETYPEDESCTokenised display name for the case type, defaulting to the regular version
form_CASESUBTYPENAMEDisplay name for the case subtype
form_CASESUBTYPEDESCTokenised display name for the case subtype, defaulting to the regular version
form_CASESTAGENAMEDisplay name for the case stage
form_CASESTAGEDESCTokenised display name for the case stage, defaulting to the regular version
form_CLOSEDATE Date case closed, ISO format, eg "2019-03-19T14:22:17.447Z"
form_ESCALATIONNOTESNotes added when the case was escalated
form_ESCALATIONREASONThe reason for the escalation
form_INITCASESTAGECase stage as at beginning of case
form_INITCASESUBTYPECase subtype as at beginning of case
form_INITCASETYPE System code for case type as at beginning of case
form_QUESTIONUsed in the email to staff after a question has been answered - the original question
form_RESPONSEUsed in the email to staff after a question has been answered - the response
form_STARTDATE Date case started, ISO format, eg "2019-03-19T12:54:00Z"
form_STATUS Brief case status, eg "New", "Open", "Closed"
form_UPDATENOTESUsed in the email to staff after a user adds an update to their case (via case history) - the text of the update

Task Tokens

These tokens can be used in the emails sent when tasks are created for other users. These tokens may not always be populated.

form_CASEBUSINESSKEY Business key for the parent case
form_STATUS Task status, eg "New", "Open", "Closed", "Cancelled"
form_TASKBUSINESSKEY Business key for the task
form_TASKCANCELNOTESNotes entered when a task is cancelled
form_TASKDETAILS More info about task (can be entered by the case manager)
form_TASKGROUP Group name assigned to task
form_TASKNAMEThe name of the task
form_TASKSUMMARY Brief summary used for self-service (can be entered by the case manager)
form_TASKTARGETSTRThe task target date/time in string format
form_TASKTYPE System code for task
form_TASKUSER User name assigned to task

System Tokens

These dynamic tokens are only available when sending emails and are not normally available to use in forms.

email_ACTIONCHECK Verification for anonymous authentication (use after email_ACTIONSINGLE)
email_ACTIONREQUEST Query string for performing user requests action, eg "?taskid=" + taskId
email_ACTIONSERVICE Query string for performing self-service action, eg "?action=performtask&taskid=" + taskId
email_ACTIONSINGLE Query string for performing single (anon) action with case, eg "?bk=9004-4763-9236-6283"
email_ACTIONTASK Query string for performing task item action, eg "?bk=9004-4763-9236-6283"
email_ACTIONVIEWQuery string for viewing item (auth), "?view=9004-4763-9236-6283"
email_ANONLINK URL path (article ID or friendly URL) for anonymous-view user form. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_ANONROOT Root of URL for anonymous subsite (normally same as email_CITIZENLINK) The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_ASSIGNGROUPFULL Currently assigned case management display group name
email_ASSIGNGROUPNAME Currently assigned case management system group name
email_ASSIGNREASONDESC Reason for case assignment
email_ASSIGNREASONGROUP Optional category group for assignment reason
email_ASSIGNSTART Date and time when latest assignment started, eg "16/02/2019 09:55"
email_ASSIGNSTART_DATEDate when latest assignment started, eg "16/02/2019"
email_ASSIGNSTART_TIMETime when latest assignment started, eg "09:55"
email_ASSIGNUSERFULL Currently assigned case manager's display name
email_ASSIGNUSERNAME Currently assigned case manager's system username
email_CASEBUSINESSKEYBusiness key for the case, as provided by endpoint call
email_CASEHISTORY History labelA, eg "Case Management - Feedback"
email_CASENAME Case type name (with subtype if used), eg "Feedback - Rehousing"
email_CASESTART Date and time when case started, eg "14/02/2019 09:54"
email_CASESTART_DATEDate when case started, eg "14/02/2019"
email_CASESTART_TIMETime when case started, eg "09:54"
email_CITIZENLINK URL path (article ID or friendly URL) for site User Requests article. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_CITIZENROOT Root of URL for public subsite. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_ENQUIRYLINK URL path (article ID or friendly URL) for staff enquiry form. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_ENQUIRYROOT Root of URL for general staff subsite (normally same as staff root). The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_NUMBEROFTASKSCOUNTThe number of tasks in the task list
email_NUMBEROFTASKSDONEThe number of tasks done so far
email_NUMBEROFTASKSTODOThe number of remaining tasks to do before case can be closed
email_PROCESSKEY Process definition key
email_STAFFLINK URL path (article ID or friendly URL) for staff Self Service article. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_STAFFROOT Root of URL for case manager staff subsite. The value is ultimately set in your Environment Configuration
email_TASKBUSINESSKEYBusiness key for the task, as provided by endpoint call
email_TASKDESC Description for workflow task, eg "Feedback - Rehousing for Mr Smith for review"
email_TASKID Actual task process ID, eg "5916020"
email_TASKNAME Workflow task name for generating user links, eg "Case Details"
email_TASKSTART Date and time when task started, eg "15/02/2019 09:52"
email_TASKSTART_DATEDate when task started, eg "15/02/2019"
email_TASKSTART_TIMETime when task started, eg "09:52"
email_TEMPLATEBODYBody text of email from another template, used in wrapper
email_TEMPLATESUBJECTSubject of email from another template, used in wrapper
Last modified on 21 April 2023

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