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Forms Service 11.0.0

The Forms Service Template is used by the site to display forms created using the GOSS iCM Forms Designer.

1. Design

Example Form

1.1 Page Title and Content

The page title and content, including inline elements, appear at the top of the page, as per the Default template. Content remains visible on all pages of the form, and when the form has been submitted.

1.2 Related Assets

All related assets, like media items, links and features, display as per the Default template, with the exception of related forms. Related forms do not appear as links in the related forms asset panel, but as form content described below.

1.3 Form Content

Beneath the page's body content, the Forms Service template will display any number of forms, each of which operates independently.

Form design, behaviour, paging, and actions on submit are controlled by the iCM Forms Designer.

Styling is provided by the website's theme.

Last modified on March 24, 2020

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