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My Account 11.0.0

The My Account template displays links to selected articles and forms that may be of interest to a logged in website user. It automatically includes links to any forms the user has saved to complete later.

1. Design

My Account

1.1 Page Title and Content

The page title and content, including inline elements, appear at the top of the page, as per the Default template.

Unlike the Default template, the article heading can include any property from the logged in user's user profile. This allows the page title to be customised to include the user's name in a welcome message.

1.2 Related Assets

The My Account template only displays related articles, features and media items. A single form can be related to the article. This form is used by the User profile panel.

1.3 Saved Form Panel

If a user has saved any iCM Forms to be completed later, these appear in the first panel beneath the main page content.

The description of each form acts as a link back to the user's saved form. The expiry date of the saved form is displayed beneath it, and a button to delete the saved form to the right. Pressing delete will delete the saved form without any further confirmation or warning.

1.4 User Profile Panel

The second panel on the page displays a single form. Any form can be displayed, but the template is designed to show the site's User Profile form.

The panel title and introductory text appear in the left column. These are set in the article extras. Any number of links can appear as buttons beneath this text. These buttons are designed to link to a form that lets the user update their profile.

1.5 Article Panels

Any number of panels can appear beneath the other page content and panels. All panel types display the title and summary text of the selected article in their left hand side. The remaining panel content will depend upon the template the panel is using.

1.5.1 List Panels

Article panels using the List template display their configured list items. The panel does not display the selected article's body or introductory text. Listed items do not display summaries or "lists within lists".

1.5.2 Form Panels

Article panels using the Forms Service template display the forms related to them. These forms are designed to surface content from the Digital Platform, rather than be completed by the user. The panel does not display the selected article's body or introductory text.

1.5.3 Remaining Types

All other panel types, including Default, Redirect and Search, display the selected article's introductory text and a link to the full article. This does mean that a panel may display both summary text (in its left hand side) and introductory text (in its right hand side) if both are present.

2. Configuration

2.1 Article Heading

Unlike other templates, articles using the My Account template can have dynamically generated headings.

All of the elements of a user's profile are available to be inserted into the heading, using the ## notation, similar to that used by fields in the forms designer. The names of these elements will vary depending upon the form your site is using to store user profile information, but common examples include:

Hello #FIRSTNAME#Hello Tim
Welcome #TITLE# #LASTNAME#Welcome Mr Gulliver

2.2 Saved Forms Panel

The saved forms panel needs no configuration. If the currently logged in user has saved any forms (while they were logged in) they will appear here. The panel title and text are set in the article extra "Saved Forms - Title" and "Saved Forms - Summary" fields.

2.3 User Profile Panel

The first form related to the My Account article appears in the User Profile panel. We recommend using your site's user profile form. The panel title and text are set in the article extra "Your Details - Title" and "Your Details - Summary" fields. The buttons in the left of the panel are links to the articles chosen in the article extra "Your Details - Links" field.

2.4 Remaining Panels

The remaining panels are articles selected in the article extra "List items" field. Each selected article displays its heading and summary text in the left hand side of the panel.  Panels using the List template display links to their list items. Panels using the Forms Service template display the forms related to them. All other template types display their introductory text and a link to the full article.

Some template types, like the User Requests template in the screenshot above, have special configuration of their own when they appear as panels.

2.5 Article Panel Security

The articles selected to appear in the panels can be secure articles. Users will only see the panels secured to user groups they are members of. This can be a good way to display different panels to different users using a single My Account template article.

3. Article Extras

Field NameTypeDescription
SAVEDFORMSTITLETextThe title of the saved forms panel
SAVEDFORMSSUMMARYText AreaText that appears beneath the title
USERPROFILETITLETextThe title of the User Profile panel
USERPROFILESUMMARYText AreaText that appears beneath the title
USERPROFILELINKSAsset-Lookup (article)The articles that will appear as buttons/links next to the User Profile form
ITEMSAsset-Lookup (Article)The articles that will appear as panels
Last modified on March 24, 2020

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