When setting up a resource project for release and deployment, you must ensure your project is configured as follows.
In the root of your project there should be a
Download an Example pom.xml (MS Word doc)
iCM content/definition exports
Any iCM content exports (except for end points) should be included in the project under:
For example:
Resource filtering
By default, any files under
IMPORTANT NOTE: The default Maven token syntax is the same as JavaScript's template literal syntax, so if your project makes use of JS template literals, care should be taken not to use variable names that will collide with Maven property names (eg
End points
If the project includes end points, it will need to be configured to use the
mvn generate-sources
By default, end points will be unpacked to
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only unpacked end points should be committed to version control.
If the project is internationalised (and the pom configured to run the