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User Profiles

When a user registers with your site, as a minimum you'll store their email address and preferred name as a website user. These users are stored in the iCM database. Users may also complete additional details in their User Profiles.

Standard Profile Fields

The only required field in the default user profile is EMAIL. This table lists the other common fields included on the user profile form.

Field NameDescription
EMAILThis field holds the user's email address. All users must have an email address (in our standard registration process it's not possible to create a user account without an email)
FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, PREFNAME, FULLNAMEThese fields hold the various parts of a user's name. A preferred name overrides the first name. A full name can override the combined first/pref and last name
ADDRESS1/2/3The lines of a user's address
POSTCODEThe user's postcode
TELEPHONEA land line number
MOBILEA mobile number

A user's profile information is stored in the iCM database as an iCM Object. User profile objects are linked to their corresponding users by a unique ID.

Third Party Logins

If a user logs into your site using an external provider, like Facebook or Google, information from their accounts will be stored in the iCM database.

A unique ID from the external provider identifies the user (it becomes their account username) and their user profiles are populated with information from the provider. This information is, for most providers, a name and email address. Users have to give their consent before this happens.

The articles in the Provider Types documentation list the personal information returned from each external provider and the profile field it is stored in.

Last modified on May 10, 2022

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