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iCM Release Notes

We release updates for iCM and the platform every fortnight. Updates are deployed and promoted through your development, test, pre-production and production environments as part of the Scheduled Maintenance described in our hosting manual.

What version have I got?

You can see your current version number in your browser tab running iCM.

When is documentation updated?

This website is updated with each release, so the documentation you read will always be relevant to the latest version.

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This release adds checks for form field names when you create smart snippets, improves the version difference view of forms, and fixes the context menu when you create media items. It also has the initial functionality needed to use third party logins in iCM.


This release has a fix for the History Write Event field type, and one for the JSON key file used by iCM webmetrics.


This release adds a new parameter for lastsummary in the History worker, improves the Address Lookup field and adds locales to the OpenID Connect provider in the Auth worker, as well as a few fixes in iCM and to workflow indexing.


This release resolves a warning in the article editor and a problem accessing the design tab in the forms designer.


This release changes the way process variables are indexed and adds new new key to the keyword operator. We've also fixed the site user search, page naming in the forms designer, and added support for future work in Case Management and Bookings.


This release includes new smart snippets, and has improvements to the date input field type and forms performance.


This release has a single fix for jQuery compatibility which prevented checkboxes in forms from being unchecked dynamically.


New filter keys have been added to the Workflow worker's getQueryTasks that let you search by candidate group and a task's create or due date. We've also improved some exception handing in the Workflow worker and fixed a bug in the History worker when fetching last summary events.


This release updates some internal platform components, improves performance when deleting histories, and fixes the article editor when editing the CSS classes of individual table cells.


This release has numerous fixes. After the update you may see the maintenance task list on the iCM homepage advising you to republish any forms that haven't been republished since July 2022.
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