This article looks at the elements that make up the homepage and how they can be customised.
Almost all of the features are optional. If you don't enable them, the rest of the content will move up to fill the space.
Top Content
Enter a heading and optionally add intro text to your homepage article. The text you enter appears above the search bar.
Search Bar
There's no need to configure the search bar. On the homepage the site search article picked in your Subsite Configuration - Framework Features automatically appears in the banner. On other pages of the site it moves into the header.
Feature Group
Relate a feature group to the homepage. It will appear to the right of the search bar.
The heading is the name of the feature group, and each article in the group appears as a link.
Category Articles
In the article extras you can choose to use the direct child articles of the Home template, or select articles from anywhere on the site by choosing "Use selected articles" from the drop-down.
We generally recommend using the children of the homepage. As Command doesn't have a main navigation, most content is accessed directly from the homepage, so displaying all of the child articles makes sense.
Related or Selected Articles
Relate up to three articles to the homepage and they will appear in this panel. Each one displays its first related image, title, and introduction, which can be overridden by article alternate link and summary text as normal.
If there are fewer than three (or zero) articles related to the Home template, the child articles of the "Selection Parent Article" in the Home template extras are displayed. They can be ordered by created or last updated date.
Feature Panel
The feature panel is designed to display three columns. The first just includes a line of text, the second a list of articles, the third a single article. This is controlled by the Featured Article section of the article extras.
Enter text for the title.
Feature One
Select an article using the article picker in the article extras. The title of the chosen article appears above the list and links its related articles appear in the list. You can relate as many articles to your chosen feature article as you need, there's no upper limit.
Feature Two
Select an article using the article picker in the Home article extras. The title of the chosen article appears in the block heading. The article's introductory or summary text appears beneath.