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Form Functions, Handlers and Signatures

Function Signature Parameters

The following parameters are passed to the various functions described in this document.

contextContains any context variables generated by the site framework
currentValueThe current value of the field, this may be undefined
defaultErrorMessageThe default error message a field may display
defaultPage Used in navigation functions. The page that would be navigated to if this function wasn't present
defaultPageInstanceUsed in navigation functions. The page instance that would be navigated to if this function wasn't present
defaultValueThe default value of the field. This is normally the value of the DEFAULT property
errorTypeThe type of error thrown by a field failing validation. See Error Message Functions for the full list of types
eventNameEither "CHANGE" (the value has changed), "NEWPAGEINIT" (the page is loading for the first time) or "PAGEINIT" (the page is loading)
fieldNameThe name of the field firing the event
helperThe form helper library
modeWhether the form is being rendered in:
normal - The standard mode for forms displayed on your site and in iCM
readonly - This mode is used when you "view" an article (as opposed to editing an article) and when a form is used to display form data saved in a history event
readonlynoctrl - Used by the forms data browser in iCM and when displaying form content in emails and elsewhere using the {{{RENDEREDFORM}}} helper
optionDataThe options in list-type fields
pageInstanceThe instance number of the page, this will be 0 for a new page, 1 for a page that exists in the form session data (ie a page that has been submitted)
pageNameThe name of the page about to be displayed
processorThe skeleton processor
propsContains any properties
sessionDataThe current session data storing (amongst other things) the values of fields submitted so far
validtrue if the field passed validation, false if it failed
valueThe value of the field
Last modified on 19 March 2024

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