- CM-1110 - Increase the maximum characters in the closure notes to 1000
- CM-1114 - Increase the maximum characters in the history notes to 5000
- CM-1128 - Use the top level email property in users rather than the user profile field (this is to support legacy installations with non-standard site user profiles)
- CM-1141 - Raising a case will only attempt to email the user if they supply and email address and will never email the "anonymous" user
- CM-1161 - In the "Generic Response" task, increase response text area height
- CM-767 - Configuring a task to use a bespoke SLA (to be set by the case manager at task creation) didn't give the case manager the option to set the SLA
- CM-984 - Changing the name of a "Generic Response" task caused it to lose it's Comms Manager templates
- CM-992 - Prevent errors when no Comms Manager templates exist for a task
- CM-1115 - Fix a problem that would prevent a user from completing a task if the case manager was viewing the task at the same time
- CM-1156 - Importing a "Request Payment" task configuration could fail if the task lookup value is null
- CM-1165 - Typo in the case search article extras
- CM-1177 - Stop badly formatted email addresses in a group of recipients causing all emails to fail to be sent
- CM-1179 - Unable to manually escalate a case
- CM-1190 - SetSLA API doesn't handle anything larger than 30/31 days
- CM-1191 - The "task complete" routines trigger could sometimes fail if there were multiple tasks completed in quick succession
- CM-1193 - The read-only view of case details could sometimes not appear after a case is converted from one type to another if those different case types had different read-only modes
- CM-1195 - Case history notes display "Paused (0)" when clearing the SLA in a routine action. Change this to "N/A"
- CM-1202 - When configuring SLAs the "Save Changes" button sometimes didn't work
- CM-1204 - Changing SLA configuration from calendar to working days wasn't being picked up by active cases
- CM-1207 - Pausing an SLA that's already paused displayed confusing numbers in the history notes. Change the message to "SLA already paused"
- CM-1208 - If you configure a case to pause the SLA when waiting for the citizen to respond, and that case didn't have an SLA at the time, but did have an SLA set manually while paused, unpausing the SLA cleared it rather than resuming it
- CM-1209 - The SLA date calculation End Point can sometimes get stuck in a loop
- CM-1210 - Search results "View case" buttons not always appearing when expected
Last modified on 25 November 2021