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Dynamic Subsite Settings

These settings are specific to the theme. All of the core site features are described in the Subsite Configuration - Framework Features article.

Theme Articles

The selected articles provide content for elements in the page structure.

DYNAMICSITEALERTSite alert articleThis article provides content for the site alert
DYNAMICTOPUTILSTop utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the top utilities menu
DYNAMICBOTTOMUTILSBottom utilities articleThis article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the bottom utilities menu  
DYNAMICABOUTARTICLEIDAbout articleThis article provides its title and summary to a text block in the footer

Sticky Header

Whether the header remains at the top of the browser viewport when a user scrolls down the page.

DYNAMICSTICKYHEADERSticky headerYes, NoMakes the header sticky

View All Links

DYNAMICSITENAVVIEWALLShow 'view all' link in site navigationYes, NoWhether or not the main menu appends a "view all" item to each drop-down menu

Carousel Behaviour

DYNAMICSHOWCAROUSELShow carouselYes, NoIf yes, the first feature group related to any article will appear as a carousel. If no, the feature will appear as a panel on the page. Note that the Home template is controlled independently, using its own article extras

Social Media Icons

The selected images are output in the footer

DYNAMICFOOTERICONSFooter social media iconsImages output horizontally in the footer. The images may have article or external links related to them

Call To Action Text Property ("See More" Buttons)

DYNAMICCTATEXTPROPERTYCall to action text propertyPick a metadata property, values of which can be related to articles to override text in "see more" buttons

"See More" Buttons

In the various panels of the Home template, and in the panels that appear as slides in carousels around the site, a button with the text "See More" is displayed, which acts as a link to the full article of that panel.

See More Metadata
 The button text can be customised as follows:

  1. In the subsite configuration select a metadata property using the "Call To Action text property" picker. The property name doesn't matter.
  2. In the metadata library create metadata values beneath this property. Each value is the text you would like to use instead of "See More". The accompanying image shows some examples.
  3. Relate one of these metadata values to the article which is appearing in the carousel or homepage panel. The value will override the "See More" text. Note that the article "blocks" on the homepage (the ones placed side by side) cannot have their button text changed.

Share this Page

DYNAMICSHAREPAGEShow "share this page" linksWhether to show, hide, or only show the page utilities on certain templates
DYNAMICSHARETEMPLATESShow on templatesIf you pick "On selected templates" above, pick the templates that the page utilities should appear on
DYNAMICSHARESUPPRESSMETADATAMetadata values to suppressPick one or more metadata values (these can be any values from any property, the value/text doesn't matter). When one of these values is related to an article, the page utilities will always be hidden. Note that this isn't a CSS modifier to hide the utilities, they won't be output at all
Last modified on September 18, 2024

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