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Home Template

The Command Home template brings together featured content from across the site.

Command Home Template

  1. Article heading and introductory text
  2. Site search article
  3. Feature group block
  4. Category articles
  5. Body text
  6. Related or Selection articles
  7. Feature title
  8. Feature One
  9. Feature Two

Heading and Introduction

The article heading an introductory text are output at the top of the page as they are entered into the iCM article editor.

Search Bar

The search article is selected in the subsite configuration. The placeholder text is set in the article extras of your chosen article.

Feature Group

The first feature group related to the homepage appears in this block. The title of the feature group appears at the top of the block and each article in the group appears as a link. If you don't relate a feature group the block is hidden.

Category Articles

The category articles are selected in the article extras of the Home template. You can choose to use the direct child articles of the Home template, or select articles from anywhere on the site by choosing "Use selected articles".

Each article displays it's title and introductory text, which can be overridden by article alternate link and summary text as normal.

There is no upper limit to the number of articles that can be displayed here. At full width the articles will be in a three column layout. The number of columns will reduce as the site is displayed on smaller screens.

Body Text

The article body text and inline content are output here.

Related or Selection Articles

Up to three articles can be related to the Home template. Each one displays its first related image, title, and introduction, which can be overridden by article alternate link and summary text as normal.

If there are fewer than three (or zero) articles related to the Home template, the child articles of the "Selection Parent Article" in the Home template extras are displayed. They can be ordered by created or last updated date. This functionality is designed to display a news feed. For example, you could choose not to relate any articles to the Home template and instead display the three most recent child articles from somewhere else on the site, which will automatically update as new child articles are added.

Feature Panel

The feature panel is made up of three columns. The behaviour of each column is fixed and cannot be changed.


The feature title is set in the article extras of the home template.

Feature One

Feature one always displays a list of articles. Select an article using the article picker in the Home article extras. The title of the chosen article appears above the list and links its related articles appear in the list. You can relate as many articles to your chosen feature article as you need, there's no upper limit.

Feature Two

Feature two always displays a single article. Select an article using the article picker in the Home article extras. The title of the chosen article appears in the block heading. The article's introductory or summary text appears beneath.

Last modified on 24 July 2024

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