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Auth Sessions

The Authentication worker stores all of its state in an AuthSession. A new AuthSession is created upon a call to renderLoginForm.

Note that AuthSessions are not relevant to a user's session, or session timeout, once they have logged in. AuthSessions exist to handle the time between generating the login form and the user logging in or being redirected off to a third party and coming back.

Stored within an AuthSession:

IDUUIDThe AuthSessionID
NonceUUIDThe current nonce value used to ensure forms cannot be double submitted. May be null
ReturnUrlVARCHARAs supplied in the renderLoginForm call. The URL to return to after passing through the authentication system without an error.

Will have the 'as' (AuthSessionId) and 'asn' (AuthSessionNonce) query parameters appended to it
ErrorReturnUrlVARCHARURL to return to after an error within the authentication worker occurs.

As supplied in the renderLoginForm call
BaseAuthWorkerUrlVARCHARPublicly accessible path to the worker, eg http://mysite/apiserver/auth

As supplied in the renderLoginForm call
NamedTemplateOverridesMEMOAffects handlebars template resolution.

As supplied in the renderLoginForm call
CurrentStateVARCHARCurrent state of the provider-specific state machine
ProviderVARCHARName of the provider the user chose to login with
ReturnDataMEMOData to be returned to the caller of the getAuthStatus method
CreatedTimestampWhen the AuthSession was created
UpdatedTimestampWhen the AuthSession was last updated


AuthSessions are expired by the AuthSessionExpiry task when they haven't been updated for the time period specified by the authSessionExpiryMs in the Worker Configuration Properties. The default is 60 minutes.

The AuthSessionExpiry task runs every 30 minutes by default. See the authSessionTimeoutTaskPeriodMs worker.conf property.

Last modified on 9 August 2024

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