To render a form using the Forms Service the following basic steps must be performed.
- Generate a PageSessionId via generatePageSessionId which will be supplied for all subsequent getCommands calls for the lifetime of forms on a given page
- For each form on the page, until a FINISH command is received for the form:
- Call getCommands, specifying among other parameters the pageSessionId generated in step 1 and the ID of the published form to render
- Process any returned commands appropriately. For example process a RENDER command by outputting the headerContent into the page <head/>, and the bodyContent into the page <body/> where you wish the form to be displayed
- The user submits the form to the /processsubmission endpoint
- The action of which is set to the handlerURL specifying the publically accessible path to the Form Service's /processsubmission endpoint as provided in the getCommands call
- If server side form validation is successful actions are processed and control processing is executed
var pageSessionId, getCommandsResult,
getCommandsArgs =
// Required
formSessionId: null
formId: 12
apiServerHostURL: http://host:5706
formsServiceURL: http://host:5706/formsservice
handlerURL: http://host:5706/formservice/http/processformsubmission
// etc
if url.containsQueryParam("pageSessionId")
// Not the first render. Use the existing pageSessionId.
getCommandsArgs.pageSessionId = url.getQueryParam("pageSessionId")
// First render. Generate a pageSessionId.
getCommandsArgs.pageSessionId = callGeneratePageSessionId()
// Supply objectId/objectLabel+objectType/objectData/rawObjectData if required.
getCommandsArgs.objectId = 14
// Process result
getCommandsResult = callGetCommands(getCommandsArgs)
foreach command in getCommandsResult.commands
switch (command.commandName):
case "RENDER":
// Output command.params.headerContent in the <header/>.
// Output command.params.bodyContent in the <body/> where you wish the form
to be displayed on the page.
// Represents an action the Forms Service wasn't able to process.
// You may process it yourself.
case "ERROR":
// An error internal to the Forms Service occurred upon form submission.
// Suggest logging the error and showing a user-safe error to the user.
case "FINISH":
// Indicates that form has finished - i.e. the last page has been submitted.
// Nothing more to do. The Form Session has ended.
throw new Exception "Unknown command: " + command
Page Render Request/Response Example
The following captures requests to and responses from the Forms Service for a two page form (ID 130) that has a CONFIRMATIONACTION on the second page.
- Initialise: Generate a PageSessionId via generatePageSessionId() which will be supplied for all subsequent getCommand calls for the lifetime of all forms on a given page
- First getCommands call to render the form:
- Form is rendered and presented to the user
- User submits PAGE1 to the /processsubmission HTTP method, redirecting back to the pageURL resulting in the second getCommands call
- Second getCommands call to render PAGE2 of the form:
- Form is rendered and presented to the user
- User submits PAGE2 to the /processsubmission HTTP method, executing actions on the last page and redirecting back to the pageURL resulting in the third getCommands call
- Third getCommands call:
- Returns a RENDER command containing the message "<p>Thank You</p>" generated by the CONFIRMATIONACTION on the final page
- Returns a FINISH command indicating that the form has been followed to completion. The form session will not exist after a FINISH action is emitted
Example Request [Initialise - generateFormSession call]
"id": "635931424210777559",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "generatePageSessionId",
"params": null
Example Response [Initialise - generateFormSession call]
"id": "635931424210777559",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"result": {
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467"
Example Request [Page #1 - Initial Form Render]
"id": "635931424210907566",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getCommands",
"params": {
"formId": 130,
"formLabel": null,
"formType": null,
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"handlerURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice/http/processsubmission",
"apiServerHostURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver",
"formsServiceURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice",
"pageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test",
"errorPageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test?errorMessage=%24%5b%5berrorMessage%5d%5d",
"objectId": 0,
"objectLabel": null,
"objectType": null,
"userDetails": {
"username": "ADMIN",
"userId": 1
"renderMode": "Normal",
"userContextVars": {},
"formProperties": {
"LIBRARYBASEURL": "http://devtestw3/resource/formlib/"
"rawFormData": null
Example Response [Page #1 - Initial Form Render]
"id": "635931424210907566",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"result": {
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"sessionId": "1b4390f4-da08-44ae-8b75-51a75aab0b33",
"nonce": "e66084e0-5dfc-44af-a197-74f9988df67e",
"commands": [{
"commandName": "RENDER",
"params": {
"currentPageTitle": "",
"identifier": null,
"mainFormContent": true,
"bodyContent": "[...SNIP...]",
"headerContent": "[...SNIP...]"
"actionResults": {
"previousPageName": "",
"results": {},
"currentPageInstance": "0",
"previousPageInstance": "",
"currentPageName": "PAGE1"
Example Request [Page #2 - Render - Post Page #1 Submission]
Page 1 has been submitted by the user to the /processformsubmission HTTP method, which has returned a redirect back to the pageURL specified in the initial getCommands call:
"id": "635931426867449512",
"method": "getCommands",
"params": {
"formId": 130,
"formLabel": null,
"formType": null,
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"handlerURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice/http/processsubmission",
"apiServerHostURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver",
"formsServiceURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice",
"pageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test",
"errorPageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test?errorMessage=%24%5b%5berrorMessage%5d%5d",
"objectId": 0,
"objectLabel": null,
"objectType": null,
"userDetails": {
"username": "ADMIN",
"userId": 1
"renderMode": "Normal",
"userContextVars": {},
"formProperties": {
"LIBRARYBASEURL": "http://devtestw3/resource/formlib/"
"rawFormData": null
Example Response [Page #2 - Render - Post Page #1 Submission]
"id": "635931426867449512",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"result": {
"sessionId": "1b4390f4-da08-44ae-8b75-51a75aab0b33",
"nonce": "359c3065-c071-4b26-865c-84a50ee74a7b",
"commands": [{
"commandName": "RENDER",
"params": {
"currentPageTitle": "",
"identifier": null,
"mainFormContent": true,
"bodyContent": "[...SNIP...]",
"headerContent": "[...SNIP...]"
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"actionResults": {
"previousPageName": "PAGE1",
"results": {},
"currentPageInstance": "0",
"previousPageInstance": "0",
"currentPageName": "PAGE2"
Example Request [Post Page #2 Submission]
Page 2 has been submitted by the user to the /processformsubmission HTTP method, which has returned a redirect back to the pageURL specified in the initial getCommands call:
"id": "635931427036599187",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getCommands",
"params": {
"formId": 130,
"formLabel": null,
"formType": null,
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"handlerURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice/http/processsubmission",
"apiServerHostURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver",
"formsServiceURL": "http://devtestw3/apiserver/formsservice",
"pageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test",
"errorPageURL": "http://devtestw3/article/151/Multipage-Form-Test?errorMessage=%24%5b%5berrorMessage%5d%5d",
"objectId": 0,
"objectLabel": null,
"objectType": null,
"userDetails": {
"username": "ADMIN",
"userId": 1
"renderMode": "Normal",
"userContextVars": {},
"formProperties": {
"LIBRARYBASEURL": "http://devtestw3/resource/formlib/"
"rawFormData": null
Example Response [Post Page #2 Submission]
"id": "635931427036599187",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"result": {
"pageSessionId": "eb9fe3ef-fc20-40e9-aac6-c502e831a467",
"sessionId": "1b4390f4-da08-44ae-8b75-51a75aab0b33",
"nonce": "5f29e6e7-aefd-45e9-9488-52ffb816fa16",
"commands": [{
"commandName": "RENDER",
"params": {
"mainFormContent": false,
"bodyContent": "<p>Thank You</p>",
"headerContent": ""
}, {
"commandName": "FINISH",
"params": {}
"actionResults": {
"previousPageName": "PAGE1",
"results": {
"PAGE2": {
"0": {
"page": "PAGE2",
"properties": {
"MESSAGE": "Thank You"
"type": "CONFMESSAGE",
"fieldName": "FIELD10",
"instance": "0"
"currentPageInstance": "0",
"previousPageInstance": "0",
"currentPageName": "PAGE2"