This method that allows you to generate a PDF from HTML or Handlebars and store it in the filestore.
The full range of Swag Handlebars Helpers are available, which can be used when generating templates for the PDF content.
The full CSS 2.1 specification is supported, as well as elements from CSS 3, including named pages, margin boxes and running elements.
Name | Type | Description |
name | String, required | The name for the PDF. It should include the .pdf file extension |
header | String, optional | The header that will be inserted into the PDF |
footer | String, optional | The footer that will be inserted into the PDF |
html | String, optional | The static PDF content. Either html or template must be supplied |
template | String, optional | The Handlebars template. If a template is supplied you must provide a data object. Either html or template must be supplied |
data | Object, optional | The data to pass to the template. Required if template is used |
This simple (and rather poorly styled) example generates a PDF using a Handlebars template. A single parameter "name" is passed to it, which is uppercased using the uppercase Handlebars helper. A page break is inserted using style='page-break-after: always' in the first paragraph of the template.
Note the use of back ticks do define a multi-line string. This is a feature of ECMAScript 6, available since iCM
function( params ) {
let request = this.callWorkerMethod( 'formutils', 'pdfRequest', {
"header":`<style type='text/css'>
div.header {
position: running(header)
@page {
@top-left {
content: element(header);
border: solid green;
@bottom-right-corner {
content: counter(page);
"footer":"<div class='footer'>GOSS</div>",
"template":"<p style='page-break-after: always'>Hello {{uppercase name}}</p><p>Here's a second page of content</p>",
return request;
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 133,
"result": {
"result": {
"result": {
"lastUpdated": "2017-03-03T15:31Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": null,
"filename": "mypdf.pdf",
"size": 1614,
"references": [],
"createdBy": null,
"created": "2017-03-03T15:31Z",
"id": "60efbc41-a72e-4185-8926-679ed8abd93b",
"type": "application/pdf",
"hash": "7f022b21c780fe918b55decc79a00eaf"
"id": "_267",
"jsonrpc": "2.0"
The response is that returned from the filestore worker when the request is made to it by formutils. The "id" can then be used to retrieve the file.
The example above generated this PDF: pdfRequest Example (PDF)
Further Reading
Paged media:
Running Elements:
Margin Boxes: