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Gets the status of all messages. The messages that are retrieved can be filtered via the parameters.


templateTypeString, optionalRetrieves all messages that use a template type
statusString, optionalRetrieves all messages with that have that status. You can filter by "sending", "delivered", "failed", "permanent-failure", "temporary-failure" and "technical-failure" 
referenceString, optionalRetrieves all messages with a given reference
olderThanString, optionalThe ID of a message. Retrieves all messages that are older than the message ID provided
apiKeyNameString, optionalSpecify the name of the API key you want to use. Names and keys are defined in the worker configuration. If not supplied the default will be used

Example Request

function(params, credentials) {  
    let result = this.callWorkerMethod("govnotify", "messageStatus", {    
        "templateType": "sms",
        "status": "delivered",
        "reference": "Reference"
    return result;

Last modified on 1 August 2023

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