This function deletes deployed process definitions from the server.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
deploymentIds | Yes | String | Comma separated list of deployment IDs to delete |
deleteProcesses | No | Boolean | If true, any active processes associated with the deployment being deleted will be ended. If this is not specified, an error will be returned if any of the specified processes is currently in use, although any deployments in the list that are not in use may still be deleted. |
deleteDeployments | No | Boolean | If false, the deployment will not actually be deleted. |
suspendProcessDefinitions | No | Boolean | If true, the process definitions within the specified deployments will be suspended as opposed to deleting the deployments. |
deleteHistoricProcessInstances | No | Boolean | If true, historic process instances created from the process definitions in the selected deployments will be deleted. It is advisable to use this parameter to avoid leaving historic processes instances in the database for which the definition has been deleted. |
Last modified on 10 March 2020