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Returns the details of process definitions deployed on the server.

It can optionally return only process definitions matching a supplied process definition ID or process definition key. It can also optionally return details of only the most recently deployed process definition versions for each process definition key.


processDefinitionIdStringFull process definition ID of the process definition to retrieve
processDefinitionKeyStringProcess definition key of the process definition to retrieve
latestVersionBooleanWhether or not only the latest version should be returned
includeProcessModelsBooleanWhether or not the full process model XML should be included in the response (base 64 encoded)
All parameters are optional, if none are supplied details of all deployed process definitions will be returned

Example Request

function(params, credentials) {
    let result = this.callWorkerMethod("workflow", "getProcessDefinitions", {
        "processDefinitionId": "fileuplaod:2:509"
    return result;


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 80,
    "result": [{
        "id": "fileuplaod:2:509",
        "formProperties": {},
        "category": "",
        "diagramResourceName": "fileuplaod-V-2.fileuplaod.png",
        "description": "file upload test",
        "isSuspended": false,
        "name": "fileuplaod",
        "identityLinks": [{
            "taskId": null,
            "groupId": null,
            "processInstanceId": null,
            "userId": "timg",
            "type": "candidate",
            "processDefinitionId": "fileuplaod:2:509"
        "deploymentId": "506",
        "resourceName": "fileuplaod-V-2.bpmn20.xml",
        "key": "fileuplaod",
        "version": 2

Last modified on February 21, 2024

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