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Starts a new process instance.


businessKeyStringA unique identifier for the workflow; if this is not specified one will be generated automatically
objectTypeStringAn optional iCM Form Data object type, if this is specified the worker will attempt to save the workflow variables in a new iCM object of this type
processDefinitionStringThe process definition for the new process
userIdStringThe name of the user starting the process; the process definition must specify that this user or a group to which they belong has the right to start process instances using this definition 
proxyUserIdStringName of the logged in user if assisting another user via the Assited Service template (userId holds the name of the user being proxied)
variablesObjectMap of process variables to create where the keys are process variable names and the values are the values of those variables; if an objectType has been specified the worker will attempt to save any variables beginning with form_ in a new iCM Form Data object of the specified type
fileReferencesObjectMap of field names to file reference objects. The supplied files will be referenced by the workflow and remain available until it completes. For example:

"fileReferences": {
    "form_CV": {
        "filename": "cv.doc",
        "id": "3363b12f-bbf2-45a9-ab5f-f24415b8e9f7"
        "form_REFERENCES": {
            "filename": "references.doc",
            "id": "d245dde5-a801-41b7-81fd-4a87ba63f508"
replaceExistingFilesBooleanTrue by default. If this property is true, files named in the "fileReferences" parameter replace any existing files provided under that name which will no longer be referenced by the workflow. Otherwise the new file and and any previous files referenced under that name will be kept
historyRecordingObjectSee Recording History
processDefinition and userId are mandatory
Last modified on October 29, 2021

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