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Queries for active executions.


activityIdStringOnly return executions which contain an activity with the given ID
executionIdStringOnly select the execution with the given ID
firstResultNumberThe first result to return (results are numbered from 0); can be used in conjunction with maxResults to implement paging
includeActiveActivityIdsBooleanTrue if the response should include details of the currently active activities for the selected executions; true by default
includeChildExecutionsBooleanIf true any child executions (eg sub-processes) will also be returned
includeListBooleanTrue if the response should include the actual query results, otherwise just a count will be returned; true by default
includeVariablesBooleanTrue if the response should include process variables; true by default
localOnlyBooleanCan be used in conjunction with includeVariables to specify that only variables local to the execution should be returned
maxResultsNumberThe maximum number of results to return; can be used in conjunction with firstResult to implement paging. Defaults to 5000 if not set
messageEventSubscriptionNameStringOnly return executions which have a message subscription for the given message name
orderByProcessDefinitionId"asc" or "desc"If specified, sort results by process definition ID using the specified ordering
orderByProcessDefinitionKey"asc" or "desc"If specified, sort results by process definition key using the specified ordering
orderByProcessInstanceId"asc" or "desc"Order results by process instance ID (note that the process instance ID is represented as a string so 77 will appear after 100)
parentIdStringOnly return executions which are immediate children of the specified execution ID
processDefinitionIdStringOnly return executions which have the specified process definition ID
processDefinitionKeyStringOnly return executions which have the specified process definition key
processDefinitionKeyInList<String>Only return executions that have a process definition key included in the supplied list
processDefinitionNameStringOnly  return executions which have the specified process definition name
processInstanceBusinessKeyStringOnly  return executions with the given business key; note that only process instances have a business key and you'll need to set includeChildExecutions to also return, for example, sub-processes
processInstanceIdStringOnly return executions which have the specified process instance ID
signalEventSubscriptionNameStringOnly return executions which have a signal event subscription for the given signal name
sortOrderArray<Object>Enables multi-column ordering. For example specify  [{" processDefinitionKey ":"desc"},{" processInstanceId ":"asc"}] to sort by processDefinitionKey then processInstanceId
variableValueString/NumberThese parameters are used together, variableName specifies a process variable name, variableValue specifies a value and variableCondition specifies a condition; valid values for variableCondition are "equals", "equalsIgnoreCase", "greaterThan", "greaterThanOrEqual", "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqual", "like" and "notEquals"
All parameters are optional
Last modified on 27 March 2024

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