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Cruise iCM.NET 11.7.0

Released 05/10/20

New Features

  • TCRUISE-398 - Cruise home: make the Home Tab articles content managed
  • TCRUISE-408 - Cruise home: Top tasks tab panel interface
  • TCRUISE-414 - Cruise home: Implement accordion component for responsive tabs/more than 4 tab items
  • TCRUISE-433 - Review/implement ARIA landmarks and other appropriate markup for accessibility
  • TCRUISE-435 - Review small number of headings on pages


  • TCRUISE-172 - Asset areas need standardising / bring in line with other themes
  • TCRUISE-407 - Update mobile navigation and search to use framework component
  • TCRUISE-425 - Update to SDK format
  • TCRUISE-437 - Cruise default - related assets column should use aside tag


  • TCRUISE-362 - Top utilities are not displayed unless account utilities are configured in subsite config
  • TCRUISE-363 - Duplicated heading on Event template
  • TCRUISE-364 - 500 Error when Search article is secured
  • TCRUISE-368 - Tab order on homepage broken
  • TCRUISE-395 - Update breadcrumb on home template
  • TCRUISE-396 - Update Cruise theme config template.list.grid.minColWidth to 246
  • TCRUISE-399 - Update Cruise home tab panel to use equivalent component
  • TCRUISE-403 - Cruise home services tabs refactor
  • TCRUISE-410 - A missing Search article makes the site 500
  • TCRUISE-438 - Not respecting home extras setting to control whether to show main navigation as tabs or in heading
  • TCRUISE-441 - Missing search box on mobile view
  • TCRUISE-442 - Not enough space between View all services and the home tabs
  • TCRUISE-443 - Missing menu items in responsive layout
  • TCRUISE-444 - Missing view when main navigation is configured
Last modified on October 14, 2021

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