Toggle menu

Impact iCM4j 12.2.0

Released 15/10/20


  • TIMPACT-150 - Accessibility WCAG 2.0 Error - Site menu should use ul
  • TIMPACT-241 - The pageload transition makes all pages blank without JS
  • TIMPACT-243 - Carousel is not accessible
  • TIMPACT-245 - "SEE MORE" section on the homepage has incorrect markup and fails without JS
  • TIMPACT-247 - Tab component on homepage fails without JS
  • TIMPACT-249 - Lack of headings causing screen reader navigability issues
  • TIMPACT-252 - Alt text is missing on the social media image links at the footer menu
  • TIMPACT-255 - Content not contained by landmarks
Last modified on October 14, 2021

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