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Dynamic Resources 10.2.0

New Features

  • TDYNAMIC-458 - Components: Replace theme-specific mobile nav with component
  • TDYNAMIC-459 - Components: Replace theme-specific site navigation with component
  • TDYNAMIC-461 - .net header - remove redundant empty div and clearfix div
  • TDYNAMIC-475 - .net - Video panel button markup modifications
  • TDYNAMIC-488 - Update sitealert to use shared framework asset


  • TDYNAMIC-253 - Styling: Base CSS Updates
  • TDYNAMIC-474 - Convert video control accessible text from plain HTML to i18n tokens


  • TDYNAMIC-340 - Styling: Home panel grids do not wrap on smaller screens
  • TDYNAMIC-451 - Home Page: Banner Search
  • TDYNAMIC-452 - Dynamic carousel paging buttons miss minimum 44px clickable region fix
  • TDYNAMIC-453 - Dynamic carousel should not hide the controls by default
  • TDYNAMIC-454 - Styling (Java only): The site menu position is wrong
  • TDYNAMIC-455 - Dynamic home: Banner Search no longer overlays Image Banner
  • TDYNAMIC-456 - Dynamic home: Single video should not output Carousel markup
  • TDYNAMIC-457 - Dynamic home: Video panel button styling disturbed
  • TDYNAMIC-460 - Java Dynamic home: Search appears in mobile menu when configured to display in the home extras
  • TDYNAMIC-462 - Cookie banner positioning issues when Dynamic configured to use Sticky Header
  • TDYNAMIC-463 - Spacing required between footer grid elements
  • TDYNAMIC-465 - Dynamic home: Single feature item shouldn't output carousel markup
  • TDYNAMIC-468 - Styling: Footer poweredby link hover colour does not meet WCAG colour contrast
  • TDYNAMIC-472 - Styling: Video close button z-index interferes with sticky header
  • TDYNAMIC-473 - Styling: Video close button does not meet WCAG minimum clickable area of 44px
  • TDYNAMIC-478 - Styling: When the logo image is absent the mobile menu close button is obscured
  • TDYNAMIC-479 - Styling: List panel incorrectly showing horizontal scrollbar for vertical scrollbar
  • TDYNAMIC-481 - Styling: Theme customised styling of standard grid breaks the responsive layout
  • TDYNAMIC-484 - Landmark regions missing
  • TDYNAMIC-485 - Check all pages output the main landmark
  • TDYNAMIC-491 - Dynamic sticky header doesn't provide suitable no-JS fallback
Last modified on December 09, 2021

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