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Dynamic Resources 10.2.1


  • TDYNAMIC-305 - Styling: Add Montserrat
  • TDYNAMIC-443 - Panel functionality: Allow multiple metadata
  • TDYNAMIC-503 - Styling: .item__title is set to display block, however it should be treated as inline-block


  • TDYNAMIC-497 - Styling: Mobile navigation missing hiding styling for desktop layout
  • TDYNAMIC-498 - Markup - Main section does not match the other themes
  • TDYNAMIC-501 - Styling: Home template header search z-index issue
  • TDYNAMIC-502 - Styling: List items with body text and a list not spaced
  • TDYNAMIC-504 - Styling: Alert message consumes whole heading area
Last modified on December 09, 2021

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