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Self Service iCM4j 13.8.0

Released 07/04/2021

For the updated documentation, see Self Service in the product documentation section.

New Features

  • SELFSERV-54 - Active tasks badge
  • SELFSERV-204 - Asynchronous sorting when 'viewing all'
  • SELFSERV-205 - Keyword search/filtering when 'viewing all'
  • SELFSERV-214 - Add task buttons to summary view
  • SELFSERV-273 - Update history detail view to use new 'highlight' convention for outputting additional event data
  • SELFSERV-275 - Allow sorting by process/task description


  • SELFSERV-127 - Provide an extras option to suppress the history events
  • SELFSERV-151 - Escape Process Identifiers and History Labels to handle comma's
  • SELFSERV-152 - Add SITEUSERID to user context vars when rendering read only forms
  • SELFSERV-159 - Workflow and Case Type filter
  • SELFSERV-203 - Workflow table views to get data from SOLR
  • SELFSERV-206 - Populate initial view of tables asynchronously
  • SELFSERV-246 - Process description links should open summary in modal window


  • SELFSERV-104 - Self-service allows users to view unclaimed tasks
  • SELFSERV-274 - Keyword searching not yielding desired results
Last modified on December 17, 2021

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