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Bookings 1.6.13

Released 25/04/2021


  • BPAY-931 - Don't pre-populate the "To" field when adding additional occurrences
  • BPAY-937 - Better accessibility text for reducing/increasing package quantity
  • BPAY-941 - When updating Event Defaults add new buttons "Save" and "Saved & continue to create occurrences"
  • BPAY-944 - Increase email body character count on the manage occurrence form from 255 to 5000
  • BPAY-952 - Performance update to use Solr when querying occurrences
  • BPAY-953 - Update the Civica payment field to version and make it a dependency
  • BPAY-939 - Update dependency on CTM to version 1.0.12


  • BPAY-922 - Ensure the workflow doesn't continue with a booking if the database failed to update when confirming a booking
  • BPAY-925 - Bookings incorrectly shown as booked when the workflow times out
  • BPAY-938 - Ensure default settings can be loaded when the event id is not provided in the URL, and a currentValue doesn't already exist
  • BPAY-943 - Missing "Add ticket" button on default settings
  • BPAY-950 - When scheduling an occurrence the "Edit default occurrence" button isn't working
  • BPAY-955 - When installing ensure field types are imported before forms
  • BPAY-958 - Missing validation message on the "Minimum Purchase" field when adding packages
Last modified on March 31, 2022

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