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Self Service iCM.NET 13.8.3

Released 23/07/2021


  • SELFSERV-295 - Show an "There are no events to display" message when there are no entries in the history event log when displaying the process summary view
  • SELFSERV-297 - Increase the maximum number of tasks per page to 100 and add a front-end control
  • SELFSERV-299 - In the article extras add the ability to toggle off the "Due date" column on tasks
  • SELFSERV-304 - When tasks are claimed/unclaimed it can take a second or two for the Solr indexes to update. This can make it look like nothing has happened. Disable task rows that are pending processing until the next page refresh when the indexing has completed


  • SELFSERV-287 - Accessibility: IDs of active elements need to be unique
  • SELFSERV-312 - Ensure that we can view details of active process we've had no involvement with
Last modified on December 17, 2021

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