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Impact iCM4j 12.3.0

Released 30/07/21


  • TIMPACT-137 - Multiple skin support
  • TIMPACT-189 - Update to framework containing standard Site Alert asset
  • TIMPACT-301 - Implement 'select tabs' accordion component
  • TIMPACT-303 - Replace mobile nav with framework component
  • TIMPACT-306 - Add navigation markup for columns, rows and oversized flags
  • TIMPACT-310 - Remove inline multiple background style. The gradient will now be supplied via the resources CSS
  • TIMPACT-312 - Add call to resize handler function as soon as elements are available
  • TIMPACT-314 - Implement multiple panel metadata modifiers. Previously only one could be used. See Metadata Styles and Text Overrides
  • TIMPACT-316 - Update panel list grid with minColWidth="250" step="2"
  • TIMPACT-318 - Replace generic divs with header, footer and aside HTML tags
  • TIMPACT-323 - Add Newsblock modifiers and resources dependencies
  • TIMPACT-325 - Implement single item mobile view fallback
  • TIMPACT-329 - Add "square" modifier to mobile carousel
  • TIMPACT-333 - Switch list panel h3 to h2 tags
  • TIMPACT-341 - Update image size constraints
  • TIMPACT-356 - Remove redundant markup for panel lists with 0 child items


  • TIMPACT-257 - Close search button is not in page tab order
  • TIMPACT-275 - Image Banner not contained within a landmark
  • TIMPACT-308 - Add missing newsblock i18n title
  • TIMPACT-327 - Add missing accessibility text spans
  • TIMPACT-331 - Add missing mobile menu toggle
  • TIMPACT-350 - Missing space in Footer Copy
  • TIMPACT-354 - Update newsblockbanner image size constraint to accommodate full width
Last modified on October 14, 2021

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