Released 23/11/2021
- BPAY-1033 - The Terms and Conditions field placeholder text in scheduling forms has been updated to read "URL, friendly URL, article ID, or token of terms and conditions"
- BPAY-1035 - The booking QR code is now an image stored in the file store rather than a base64 encoded image
- BPAY-1030 - When a booking appears in User Requests the event time and location are appearing twice. The title of the card should be the name of the event
- BPAY-1034 - Using an i18n token for terms and conditions generates a broken link
- BPAY-1036 - Once an occurrence has been created, the occurrence management task activity is cancelled after one hour. It should just unassign any users that have the task claimed.
- BPAY-1037 - Submitting the occurrence management form more than once in a row displays workflow errors
Last modified on March 31, 2022