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Case Management 1.28.500

Released 22/04/2022


  • CM-1487, CM-1488 - Changes to the tokens available in the emails generated by tasks.
    form_NUMBEROFTASKSDONE and form_NUMBEROFTASKSTODO have been removed (these previously didn't update correctly) and replaced with email_NUMBEROFTASKSCOUNT, email_NUMBEROFTASKSDONE and email_NUMBEROFTASKSTODO. email_CASEBUSINESSKEY and email_TASKBUSINESSKEY have also been added. See Email Template and Task Title Tokens for the full list
  • CM-1502, CM-1503 and CM-1516 - Case Search has been refactored for performance improvements
  • CM-1562 - Bank holidays dates have been updated to run through until 2024
  • CM-1569 - The Request Payment task can now be set up so that card payments don't redirect to the payment provider but instead just ask for a reference number
  • CM-1578, CM-1583 and CM-1584 - Performance improvements when retrieving the case type, details and summary
  • CM-1592 - Refactor the Investigate task to improve maintainability and performance
  • CM-1606 - The option to contact the person who raised the case can now be turned off at a system level in the Environment Configuration


  • CM-1557 - When a case becomes escalated the process variable index is now updated so that escalated cases can be found in other products like Self Service
  • CM-1558 - The Date Range Summary dashboard was incorrectly reporting breached cases, giving a different number in the graph to the table
  • CM-1602 - Update the upload attachment text to correctly say MB rather than just M
  • CM-1609 - The getCaseTypes End Point didn't support the parameter caseId
  • CM-1636 - Viewing case details from the search results didn't work when assisting a user. This was because the view incorrectly used the permissions of the user being assisted, rather than those of the staff member
  • CM-1638 - Fix the user role precedence order so that a case manager can view a case they raised themselves
  • CM-1656 - Fix a problem that would cause the case manager view to be blank after adding a Request Payment task to a case
Last modified on May 03, 2022

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