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My Account and User Requests

The requests users make via your website usually start with a form submission. Forms can start workflow processes which describe all of the steps that need to be carried out to deliver a service. These processes can be tracked and updated using the Self Service and User Requests templates.

The Self Service template displays a table of requests, which can be set up to display information about any number of different processes. Users can then search and sort the tasks needed to complete each request, so it's ideal for staff users responsible for a range of services.

User Requests provides a more simple "card" view of requests and is ideal for a user to track the requests they have made.

The My Account template is a central hub where users can track their requests, update their details and manage their account.

My Account

The My Account template provides a hub for users to manage their account, track the progress of any interactions they have with organisation, and see personalised content.

Making and Tracking Requests

The requests users make usually start workflow processes. These processes can be tracked and updated by staff and users using the Self Service and User Requests templates.

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